About University Of Calcutta

Minutes of the Senate for the Year 1857

No.1 University of Calcutta
3rd January - the Vice-Chancellor in the Chair

The Hon’ble J. Dorin The Hon’ble J.P. Grant
The Hon’ble General Low The Hon’ble B. Peacock
C. Allen, Esq C.B. Trevor, Esq.
Prince Goolam Mahammed W. Ritchie, Esq.
C. Beadon Esq. W. G. Young, Esq.
Lieut-Col. Baker Babbo Ram Gopal Ghose
K. Mackinnon, Esq., M.D. H. Pratt, Esq.
T. Thomson, Esq., M.D. Revd. W Kay, D. D.
T. Oldham Esq., LL.D. L. Clint, Esq.
Baboo Prosunno Coomar Tagore Baboo Ramapersad Roy
Revd. J. Ogilvie, M.A. Pundit Isser Chunder Bidyasagar

The Vice-Chancellor laid before the Meeting a letter from the Secretary to the Government of India, Home Department, intimating the appointment of A. Grant, Esq., M.D. to be a Member of the Senate.

The following Resolutions were passed Nem. Con. :

1. That Mr. W. Grapel, M.A., be appointed Registrar of the University for two years, and that he be eligible for reappointment at the end of that period.

2. That the Senate form itself into four Faculties, viz., of Arts, Law, Medicine and Civil Engineering and that each consist of the following fellows:

Arts : The Bishop, Mr. Dorin, Mr. Grant Ex-Officio, Prince G. Mahommed, Mr. Beadon, Mr. Young, Lieut. Lees. Dr. Kay, Dr. Duff, Mr.Clint, Revd. Mr. Stephenson, Revd. Mr. Ogilvie, Revd. Mr. Mullens, Mr. Woodrow, Isser Chunder Bidyasagar, Baboo Ram Gopal Ghose.

Law : The Lt-Governor, N.W. Provinces, The Chief Justice, Mr. Peacock, Ex-Officio, Mr. Trevor, Mr. Ritchie, Mr. Pratt, Baboo P. C. Tagore, Baboo Ramapersad Roy, Moulvie Mahommed Wujeeh.

Medicine : The Lt-Governor of Bengal, Ex-Officio, Dr. Mackinnon, Dr. Walker, Dr. Thomson, Dr. Mouat, Dr. Grant.

Civil Engineering : The Commander-in-Chief. General Low, Ex-Officio, Mr. Ricketts, Mr. Allen, Col. Goodnyn, Col. Baker, Col. Waugh, Mr. Oldham.

3. That the following gentlemen, viz. Mr. Beadon, the Director of Public Instruction, Mr. Mullens, Lieut-Col. Baker, Dr. Grant, and Baboo Ramapersad Roy, together with the Vice-Chancellor, be appointed a Provisional Committee with power to make such arrangements as may be required for the Entrance Examination, and for the transaction of the other necessary business of the University; and also to frame the Rules required for the future government of the University; such Rules to be laid before the Senate for their approval, and that the Committee have power to consult with the different Faculties and the Faculties have power to address the Committee as occasion shall arise, touching such Rules
